The name of this organization shall be Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild of the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), South Carolina and Georgia.
Members meet monthly for fellowship and to share a common interest in the art of quilt making. Members share a desire to promote and perpetuate all aspects of quilt making. Members share their knowledge, techniques, and skills with each other and
the community through club programs, community outreach projects and demonstrations. In addition, to expand member’s knowledge of quilt making, the guild periodically invites professional, guest instructors to present workshops and
seminars. Currently the guild sponsors a variety of projects to benefit the local community, and the guild hosts a quilt show every other year.
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to any person, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, national origin or physical handicap upon application and payment of dues.
Section 2. Members shall be active or genuinely interested in some phase of the art of quilting and will be encouraged to:
(a) Serve on one standing committee or to serve on the Executive Board.
(b) Volunteer for at least one Guild project.
(c) Serve on the Quilt Show Committee (Quilt Show is every other year).
Consideration will be given to those that have circumstances which prohibit them from active participation.
Section 3. The Guild year runs from September through August. Annual dues shall total twenty-five dollars ($25) for
Regular members. Fifteen dollars ($15) will be categorized as membership dues and ten dollars ($10) will be for the purchase of
two packs of donation quilt tickets. The amount must be paid in one payment in advance on or before September 1 of each year. For Regular members joining after March 1, dues will total $17.50. $7.50 will be categorized as membership dues and ten dollars
($10) will be for the purchase of two packs of donation quilt tickets. The amount must be paid in one payment. Upon payment of the total amount of annual dues, an individual shall be considered a Regular member in good standing.
Section 4. All members whose dues are paid by September 1 shall have their name published in the annual yearbook Membership Roster.
Section 5. Members in “good standing” are entitled to attend either/or both morning and evening business meetings.
Section 6. Newcomers or prospective members may visit the Guild twice as a guest before paying dues.
Section 7. Members shall receive a monthly newsletter via email. Prospective members and interested persons may receive two (2) newsletters via email as guests. Members may request printed copies of the newsletter to be mailed to them and
will be required to pay the current costs of printing and postage as determined by the newsletter committee.
Section 8. Only the ten dollars ($10) worth of donation quilt tickets received as part of membership may be resold with the member keeping the proceeds. Donation quilt tickets received as part of membership are not to be sold at a guild ticket selling event (e.g., Home and Garden Show, etc.).
Section 1. The officers of the Pieceful Hearts Quilting Guild shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
(a) The President may be nominated from either the morning group or the evening group and will be elected from the
general membership and shall preside over the Executive Board and all business meetings.
(b) The Vice-President shall be nominated from either the morning group or the evening group and will be elected by the general membership. The Vice-President will assume the responsibilities of the President when needed.
(c) The Secretary shall be nominated from either the morning group or the evening group and will be elected by the general membership.
(d) One Treasurer shall be nominated from either the morning group or the evening group and elected by the general membership.
Section 2. The officers shall be regular members in “good standing” elected to serve one year, and their term of office shall begin on September 1.
Section 3. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time, and no officer shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4. If a vacancy in the office of President occurs, the Vice-President shall automatically become President. If a vacancy occurs in any other office, a replacement shall be recommended by the Executive Board.
Section 5. Nominations and Elections
(a) A four-member Nominating Committee (2 members from morning group and 2 members from evening group) shall volunteer at the December joint meeting. Two alternates one each from the morning and evening groups shall also volunteer. The respective alternate(s) (am or pm) will fill vacancies created if a Nominating Committee member is unable to serve. If a member of the Nominating Committee is placed on the slate of nominees, she/he shall immediately be replaced on the committee by an alternate.
(b) The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for all offices to be present at the February joint meeting and in the February newsletter.
(c) Nominations may be made from the floor at the February joint meeting
(d) Voting for officers shall be by those present at the May joint meeting. If there were nominations from the floor at the February joint meeting, the voting for that office shall be by a show of hands of those present. The winner shall receive a majority of the votes cast by those present. For those officers receiving no nominations from the floor, the remaining or entire slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee will be accepted by a voice vote of those present.
(e) Results of the election will be announced immediately after the voting and will be published in the June newsletter.
(f) Newly elected officers shall work with the out-going officers to plan for the new Guild year, to establish committees and to provide continuity for the exchange of responsibilities.
Section 6. The Board of Directors will appoint an Assistant Secretary to be present and take minutes at meetings when the elected Secretary is not able to attend.
The regular business meetings of the PHQG will be joint meetings and will be held four times yearly, in the months of September, December, February and May. Other meetings will be held monthly (1st Monday evening and 2nd Thursday morning) and will be "program only" meetings. In the event of an emergency, a special meeting can be called for voting on a special subject.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the four (4) elected officers, the immediate past President as Ex-Officio and the Chairpersons of all Standing Committees. Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 2. The Executive Board will announce when they will hold their meetings, at a regular business meeting or by email/telephone. These meetings are to be at flexible times and determined by the Executive Board at that time. All members may attend Executive Board meetings. Any business that a member needs to address should be given to a member of the Executive Board in writing a week prior to the business meeting.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall keep the members informed of all meetings by newsletter or announcements at business meetings.
The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Guild between business meetings, shall set the agenda for business meetings, and shall make recommendations to the Guild members for their vote. The Executive Board shall review financial and budget
needs of the Guild and make recommendations necessary to meet obligations on the fund-raising projects. These will be voted on by the membership at a regular business meeting. The Executive Board shall inform members of “special occasions,” illnesses and deaths, through the newsletter or at monthly business meetings. They will also inform the Sunshine Committee.
Section 1. The Standing Committees of this Guild shall be the following:
Membership Quilt Show (every other year)
Newsletter Sunshine
Yearbook Special Workshops
Donation Quilt Historian
Hospitality Marketing of Donation Quilt
Directory Website Manager
Nominating Programs (one from am and pm)
Facebook Administrator
Hickory Knob Coordinator
Batesburg Retreat Coordinator
Section 2. The Executive Board shall recommend the Chairpersons of Committees, with the exception of elected officers who serve as chairpersons.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall recommend Ad Hoc Committees and these Committees shall function for the time required to accomplish their purposes/tasks.
Section 4. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Section 1. The Fiscal Year shall be from September 1 through August 31.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall prepare, with input from the President and Vice President, a budget for the coming fiscal year.
This budget shall be presented to the Executive Board for approval at their August meeting and to the general membership for
approval at the September joint meeting.
Section 3. An Auditing Committee shall consist of two volunteers from the general membership. It shall be the Auditing Committee’s duty to audit the past Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the fiscal year (August 31) and to make a report to the Executive Board at its October meeting and to the membership in the November newsletter.
Section 4. In the event of dissolution of the Guild, all of its assets and funds shall be distributed to tax exempt organizations, as the Executive Board may determine, then approved by the general membership in the form of a vote, in compliance with Section 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue code.
Section 5. Any expenditure in the name of the Guild over $200 must first be approved by the Executive Board and then voted on by the general membership. This may be accomplished at a business meeting. The majority of votes cast rules.
Section 6. Upon notification of the death of a guild member in good standing the guild will donate $25 to the family of said member or to the charity of the family's choosing.
Section 1. Guild workshops and fee payment deadlines will be announced in the Guild newsletter prior to the event. Members
are responsible for registering for participation on sign-up sheets at the business meetings or by contacting the workshop organizer prior to the stated deadline.
Section 2. Full payment of fees is due immediately upon registration to secure class reservation. Workshops will be open to non-members as space is available. Fees to be established on individual workshop basis.
Section 3. It is the responsibility of the individual member to contact the workshop organizer regarding desired participation, availability of openings, waiting lists and payment of fees, etc.
Section 4. Participants must cancel at least 10 days prior to the event to receive a full refund and this will be contingent on the Guild’s ability to pay the instructor’s fee, if any. There will be no exceptions to this rule. If a member cannot participate, they may give their spot to another member.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly revised, shall govern business meetings of the Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any business meeting of Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild. Voting will be by a simple majority of members present, including a proxy vote in writing, as long as it is received one week prior to the business meeting. The amendment must be presented in the newsletter prior to the business meeting.
Effective Date: August 1998
Article V, Section 2 amended 2005
Article VII, Section 1 amended 2007
Article VIII, Section 5 added 2007 (deleted in 2009
All By-Laws amended/added 09-05-09
Article VIII, section 4 amended 2012
Article VIII, Section 5, added 2014
Article V amended 2014
By-Laws amended/added 09-12-15
Article II, Purpose
Article III, Section 3 amended
Article III, Section 7 amended
Article III, section 8 amended
Article IV, Section 1 amended
Article IV, Section 1c amended
Article IV, Section 6 added
Article IV, Section 1a amended
Article IV, Section 2 amended
Article IV, Section 5a-f amended
Article VI, Section 1 amended
Article VI, section 3c amended
Article VIII, Section 3 amended
Article VIII, Section 5 amended
Article IX, Section 4 amended
Article VIII, Section 6 amended
By-Laws amended/added 09/2020
Article III, Section 3 amended
Article III, Section 7 amended
Article III, Section 9 added
Article VII, Section 1 amended
Most meetings and bees are held at Lake Park Baptist Church parish hall.
211 Milledge Rd
Augusta, GA 30904
Morning Bees at Lake Park Baptist
Every Thursday: 10am - 12pm
(2nd Thursday of the month has a program demo/workshop/lecture)
Evening Bees at Jeff's Sewing and Vacuum
1st Monday of the month: 6pm - 8pm
(Usually includes a program demo//workshop/lecture)
Aiken Quilting Bees at Trinity United Methodist Church
4th Tuesday of the Month: 1:00pm - 3:00pm (5th Tuesday for April 2024)
Meet in the Youth Room at the rear of the church; enter through the double doors (park in the back parking lot by the playground).
2724 Whiskey Road
Aiken, SC 29803
Joint Business Meetings are held in the months of September, December, February, and May at Lake Park Baptist Church.
Pieceful Hearts Quilters Guild (PHQG) was founded in October 1988 when Ille Waters called together interested quilters to organize and establish a local quilting guild.
Thirty-three members joined PHQG, representing all levels of quilters, from novice to professional. They elected to meet on the first Monday night of each month at Saint Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in North Augusta, South Carolina. In January 1990, a morning meeting time was added, on the first Tuesday of each month (later changed to the second Thursday).
PHQG members share a common interest in the art of quilt making and desire to promote and perpetuate all aspects of quilting. Members share their knowledge, techniques, and skills with each other and the community through club programs, community outreach projects (i.e. quilts for children at the Ronald McDonald House) and demonstrations.
Guild sponsored workshops and seminars taught by professional artists, instructors and authors and trips to quilt shows and symposiums serve to educate and enhance members’ skills and knowledge. Since 1991, the Guild has presented a quilt show every other year during the “odd” numbered years. During the 1989-1990 year, PHQG designed and quilted a full-size “Sampler Quilt” to benefit the Nancy Carson Library in North Augusta. Since then, donation quilts have been made each year with the majority of the proceeds going to Camp Rainbow (a camp sponsored by a local hospital for children with cancer).
In 2018, we celebrated our 30th year as a guild with 160 members.